Photonic crystals are artificial structures in which the dielectric constant changes periodically. Photonic band gap is the distinct character of chi hair straighteners photonic crystal. Since the discovery of photonic crystal more than decades ago, the research on them has made rapid and steady progress. They have great charming characteristics compared with the traditional material, which may chi straightener eventually pave the way for the next generation optical communication systems.With the development of the free space optical communication (polo shirts), they have strong requirement for the miniature of communication system. The requirement will be satisfied effectively if we make use of the chi flat iron photonic crystal in the process of designing the communication system.In our study, the characteristic of photonic crystal are studied by means of plane wave method (cheap ralph lauren polo shirts), finite different time domain (ralph lauren polo shirts) and transfer matrix method (TMM).The research on the application of the FSO has been done.The density of mode for HML structure with N periods is derived. Comparing with the transmission spectrum which got owing to TMM, used the TMM, we get the conclude that the one-to-one correspondence between the density of mode and the transmission spectrum.